We’re Good!

Why are we good? Well, I just spent about two full hours photoediting today’s header picture, so now that it’s finished I’m good. My frustration levels are lowering again haha. I’m so not a digital artist. I take my hat off to anyone who can manage a tablet without wanting to break the thing.

You see, I used to be … better? At using a tablet when I was making the covers for our shortstories. But then I started learning more and more via paper. And perhaps I became too used to paper and hunching with my beak within two inches of what I draw… but I just can’t stand using my tablet any more. Hence, my frustration with all the photoediting today.

Because I wanted it to have a white background, dammit!

And now it is white! Hurrah! This marks my first step towards making the birdies zazzle and calendar and print and merchandise ready! It means that soon, the birdies will be able to decorate all kinds of things! Oooo, what fun will that be!

What does the kitty kat think of that?

He’s had such a chill time of today (hah!). Lookit that happy smile!


He also ponders the meaning of belly rubs, and whether he wants them or not… (also, look at all that fur on the shawl I just washed!).


Anyways, here is me wishing you all a lovely day! I hope it’s full of smooth sailing and gentle waves 🙂 Also… does anyone like that picture of the birdie? Do you prefer them photoedited (white background) or grey?

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